We operate a proxy network for application testing, not spammers.
Abuse is not tolerated on our network
Our goal is to provide customers with great network to test their applications, not to provide spammers with a venue for their work. Our terms of service require our customers to abide by the terms of service of websites they may visit using our network.
If you have a complaint regarding traffic originating from our network, please email us at abuse@wonderproxy.com from your business email account. The following information will help speed our investigation and response:
- The URL(s) of the site you operate that is seeing unwanted traffic.
- The IP of the wonderproxy server from which the traffic is originating
- The timestamp (GMT please) of when the traffic occurred.
How we respond
Upon receipt of an abuse report, we will:
- Use our logs to determine which customer or customers may have been the source of the affected traffic.
- Reach out to those customers, asking them to cease that activity, and to explain themselves.
Depending on the severity of the incident, we may:
- Block access to your site on the server(s) in question, while we investigate
- Terminate the account of malicious customers
While we may terminate the accounts of customers who do bad things on our network, we can't tell you who they are (sorry!). Our privacy policy forbids it.