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Take the uncertainty out of localization testing

Scalable testing options and a global network of proxy servers, right at your fingertips. No more guesswork.

Made by developers, for developers

Testing locale-specific code when you're stuck at your desk is like flying blind: you can't see where you're going. From our versatile testing solutions to our worldwide network of proxy servers, WonderProxy is built for localization testing. Squash those bugs and ship that next release.

A global network of 264 proxy servers

Interactive & automated tools

Integrate with Playwright, Puppeteer, Sauce Labs, and Selenium

Built for testing

Perform one-off verification or pre-deploy spot-checking with the Switcher browser extension.

Get the Switcher

Loop localization testing into your automated CI/CD pipeline with Playwright, Puppeteer, and Selenium.

Expand your localization test coverage over hundreds of browsers and devices with Sauce Labs.

Integrate with Sauce Labs

Stay on top of your traffic needs with the WonderProxy API, and avoid test failures before they happen.

Explore the API

Built for teams

Whether you're coordinating test teams across your enterprise, or running a one-dev shop, WonderProxy will scale to fit.

Manage users

  • Log in with the Single Sign-On credentials you already use.
  • Big team? Our batch management and import feature scales with you.
  • Delegated Authentication saves password headaches.

Test hassle-free

  • Can't enter a username and password? Identify IP addresses on your network to streamline your proxy authentication.
  • Define your own domains on our servers to easily swap between deploy environments.

A QA tool for localization testing

Watch: WonderProxy, an introduction Play video

Global reach

We have servers in 264 cities on six continents, covering over 97% of the world's GDP. Chances are if you've got users there, we've got a server. Unless they're in Antarctica. 🐧

Built with transparency

Unlike some competitors, we don't send your traffic through hacked residential devices. We've built our network exclusively for localization testing, and we monitor it carefully to keep it free from unauthorized activity.

No funny business

Our servers are where we say they are, and we don't modify your content. WonderProxy preserves your website exactly as you built it. Test your user experience, for real—no hacks, no ads, no injections.

Ready when you are

Our server status page lets you keep an eye on all your mission-critical servers. If a server's acting up, swap to another one nearby and keep on working. We'll work to get it back online ASAP.

We wouldn't be able to develop or test our geo-targeted applications without it. WonderProxy is a vital tool in our software development process.

Nick I. MindGeek

Take the uncertainty out of localization testing

Scalable testing options and a global network of proxy servers, right at your fingertips. No more guesswork.

Learn more

Proxy vs. VPN for Localization Testing

Here are some reasons why proxy servers are a much better option for localization testing than VPNs.

Learn more

Guide to Creating a Localized Test Plan

Learn what localization testing involves and how to implement a test plan for your website or application.

Learn more

A Guide to Setting Up a Proxy in Selenium

Learn how to integrate proxy servers with Selenium, complete with Python code samples using the Chrome WebDriver in Selenium.

Learn more