A Quickstart Guide to Localization Testing
In this blog post, we look at what localization testing involves and how to implement a test plan for your website or application.
Read postIn this blog post, we look at what localization testing involves and how to implement a test plan for your website or application.
Read postHow localization testing can impact your UX and revenue.
The benefits of a multilingual website and how to add more languages to your website to reap those benefits.
With the right tools, you can ensure that you’re compliant with the regulations without breaking the bank.
Localization testing is an essential part of the software testing process.
In this ebook, we look at some of the most popular components of localization.
How do you test your website from different cities and countries around the world?
This guide provides a base procedure to help you start testing your GeoLocation-based, localized website.
WonderProxy lets your teams test your website from around the world, easily.
With over 250 locations across the world, all of our servers are where we say they are.
We’ve got servers all over the world to help your QA team, developers or marketers test your website content or ads.
This free white paper details how Selenium can be integrated with a worldwide proxy network to test your website.
Three localization strategies that you can use to boost your ecommerce revenue.
Payment processing differences between countries & how to prioritize your audience.
How WonderProxy helped Dave Ceddia democratize access to his React book via localization.
Practical ways to expand your ecommerce business into a new country.
Localization optimizes landing page content to target a visitor's specific location.
How geo-targeting ads can help improve conversion rates, as well as how to introduce localization to your website.
It takes real investment to launch in a new market, or target your promotions correctly.
If your localized content isn't displaying correctly, you're risking revenue every month. Find out how much.
GeoLocation is the process of determining your geography based on your IP address.
To make a GeoLocation database, providers combine a variety of data sources to determine where each IP is located.
Web applications use locations for everything from coordinating times for phone calls to tracking employees around the world.
Developing localized websites with GeoLocation is worth little if you can't verify that the correct content is being served.
Both proxy servers and VPNs can be used in a wide variety of different ways.
Your enterprise needs an enterprise-class localization testing solution.
Scalable testing options and a global network of proxy servers, right at your fingertips. No more guesswork.