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Manage your account

Get set up with WonderProxy and manage your details

First Time Setup

  1. Log in to your WonderProxy account
  2. Add servers to your account
  3. Generate a proxy token
  4. Configure your browser to use one of the servers on your account or install our add-on.

Manage Servers

  1. View the available servers on your account
  2. Add or remove servers on your account
Why is the remove server button disabled? Only servers that have not been used in the present billing period are eligible for removal.

Manage Proxy Tokens

At WonderProxy, proxy tokens replace passwords in your server credentials. Proxy tokens are quick to generate and work instantly across the network. Generate one (or five), and then use them anywhere your proxy configuration asks for a password.

Proxy tokens are part of our Delegated Authentication system.

  1. Create and invalidate your own proxy tokens
  2. Manage proxy tokens for your team

Manage Users

Users may have one or a combination of the following privileges:

  • Proxy User: Able to use the network of proxies and VPNs. Users of this type count against your account seat limit.
  • Billing Contact: Receives account notifications, including expiry warnings. Not able to use proxies unless also a proxy user.
  • Administrator: Able to manage users & servers. Not able to use proxies unless also a proxy user.
How can I delete a user? While you won't see the ability to delete a user in your account, you can remove all of their privileges to remove their access from the account. Inactive users are hidden from your user listing and cannot log in to your account.

Update Contact Info

  1. Find the settings page in your account
  2. Update your name & e-mail

Update Payment Information

For customers on our recurring payment platform:

  1. Go to Your subscription
  2. Click on the Update Billing Info button to update your payment details

Upgrade Account

For customers on our recurring payment platform:

  1. Go to Your subscription
  2. Click upgrade or view all upgrade options modal
  3. Clicking upgrade will lead to a page providing details about the new plan as well as the prorated upgrade amount

Configure Email Notifications

  1. Find the Notifications page in the settings section of your account
  2. Enable or disable usage notifications and customize the threshold percentages for your notifications
  3. On our Team, Corporate, or Enterprise plans, enable or disable daily and weekly traffic reports