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Servers → Belgium

3 Servers in Belgium

Test your website with our proxy servers in Belgium. Ensure your users see the right content.

  • Brussels Brussels IP count: 2 Services: Proxy, VPN
  • Liege Liege, Liege IP count: 1 Services: Proxy, VPN
  • Antwerp Antwerp, Antwerp IP count: 1 Services: Proxy, VPN

Interactive testing

The WonderSwitcher browser add-on is designed to allow you to start testing sooner, and complete your manual testing faster.

Switch between our servers in Belgium quickly and easily using our add-on for Chrome, Firefox or Edge.

Learn more about the Switcher

142 Servers in Eurasia

Looking for a server near Belgium? We are in 142 locations across Eurasia and growing. Our local servers allow you to see website content as the local users do.

View all locations

Who is WonderProxy for?

Dev & QA Teams

Focus your efforts on building, not bug-chasing.

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Marketing Teams

Optimize your customer experience.

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Try WonderProxy

Want to try WonderProxy to see if our product is right for you? Request a free trial and we'll get in touch if it's a good fit.

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Why Localization?

Localizing your content is expensive, time-consuming, and difficult. And once it's done, you need to keep it up. So why bother?

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What is GeoIP?

Businesses that want to know the location of users coming to their site can use a technology called GeoIP.

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Guide to Creating a Localized Test Plan

Learn what localization testing involves and how to implement a test plan for your website or application.

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