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Configure Android

Configure your Android device to use WonderProxy's VPN

Android VPN Configuration

We built the instructions and screenshots below from Android 4.4.4, but they may apply to other Android 4 versions as well.

  1. In the Settings area, choose More...

    Android settings
  2. Choose VPN

    Android network settings
  3. Choose the plus sign (+) to create a new VPN connection

    Android VPNs
  4. Configure the VPN connection as follows:

    • Enter any name that makes sense to you in the Name field
    • In the Type field, choose L2TP/IPSec PSK
    • In the Server address field, enter the VPN server you will use (for example, for our London server)
    • In the IPSec pre-shared key field, enter (you must be logged in as a proxy user to view the shared secret)
    • Leave L2TP secret and IPSec identifier blank
    Android VPN settings
  5. Choose Save to store the connection
  6. When you connect for the first time, Android will prompt you for a username and password. Enter your WonderProxy username and proxy token.